Burglary Attorney
If you have been charged with Burglary, you will need an experienced burglary attorneys to defend your freedom.
Burglary in the First Degree is the most serious burglary charge. First Degree Burglary involves entering a building with the intent to commit a crime once inside or entering a building and committing a crime once inside and in either case the building is: (1) occupied by another person; (2) the burglar possess a dangerous weapon; or (3) the burglar assaults a person once inside the building. A person who is convicted of this offense must serve a mandatory minimum sentence of 6 months in jail or prison. https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/609.582.
Are there defenses to this charge? Yes, mistaken identity is one. Lack of sufficient evidence to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt is another. An involuntary confession is a third; and there are many more.
If you have been charged with a burglary crime in Minnesota, call criminal defense lawyer Robert J. Shane, who is amongst the best burglary attorneys any time, day or night, at (612) 339-1024, or complete the contact form provided on this site to schedule your free consultation.