The best tactic for lowering a DWI charge involves conducting a thorough investigation of the facts in your case with an eye towards finding legal loop-holes. You will need to retain an experienced DWI defense attorney to guide you. There are many constitutional defenses available to a DWI suspect, including the following: (1) challenging the basis for the police stop of your car; (2) lack of probable cause to justify a DWI arrest; (3) failure of the officer to read you the Minnesota Implied Consent Advisory prior to testing; and (4) failure of police to allow you a reasonable amount of time to contact an attorney to discuss whether or not you should submit to alcohol testing.
The second best tactic for a DWI suspect is to be proactive with your case. Early on in the case you should have an alcohol assessment done and complete all recommendations for treatment. Acknowledging responsibility and taking positive steps towards treatment will go a long way in lowering your DWI charge.
If you or someone you know has been charged with a DWI, you will need an experienced DWI defense lawyer to lower your charge. Call Twin Cities defense attorney Robert J. Shane for a free phone consultation at (612) 339-1024 or visit his website for more informaiton on the best defense for a DWI charge at
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