Leaving the scene of an accident or “hit and run” is a misdemeanor offense in Minnesota. A conviction could result in a sentence of up to 90 days in jail and/or a $1,000.00 fine. Whenever a person is involved in a property damage accident with an unattended vehicle, Minnesota law requires you leave a written notice with your name and address in a conspicuous place on the damaged vehicle. If you fail to do so, you could be charged with a hit and run offense. A conviction will be certified on your driving record as a moving violation and may result in increased insurance rates. An experienced traffic defense attorney may be able to find the legal loophole to the keep a hit and run conviction off your record and you out of jail.
If you or someone you know has been charged with hit and run, call attorney Robert J. Shane at (612) 339-1024 for a free phone consultaiton. Hiring an experienced hit and run defense attorney is your best defense.
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