If you fail to complete a condition of probation, such as community service or fine payment, the court can violate your probation and imposes any stayed jail time. Sounds like your case was scheduled for a first appearance on a probation violation. When you miss a court appearance, the judge issues a bench warrant for your arrest. My advice would be to retain counsel and then make arrangements to turn yourself in at the jail on the bench warrant as soon as possible. The lawyer will appear with you in court the next day to represent you and make arguments for your release from jail without having to post bail. The case will then be scheduled for a probation revocation hearing before the sentencing judge. You should pay the fine and complete the community service prior to the next court hearing on the probation violation. This tactic will provide you with the best defense against any jail time on the violation.
If you or someone you know has missed their court date on a probation violation, you will need an experienced criminal defense attorney to defend your freedom. Call Robert J. Shane for a free phone consultation at (612) 339-1024 or visit his website for more information on how to defend against a probation violation at www.criminallawyerminnesota.com.
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