If your criminal lawyer is too busy to devote sufficient time to your case, you should consider hiring a new attorney. Before you dismiss your current lawyer, make sure you have hired a new attorney. Interview as many qualified and experienced canidates as possible. Why should you have to pay them a consultation fee when you may not hire them to defend you? During the interview process, try to determine the lawyers win/loss reccord and current case load. Often times it’s a matter of personality. Who is going to be able to persuade and influence a prosecutor, judge or jury towards a favoreable outcome in you case.
If your lawyer is too busy to defend your case, contact Robert J. Shane, Esq. for a free phone consultation at (612) 339-1024 or visit his website at https://www.criminallawyerminnesota.com. Mr. Shane has a winning record and 28 years of criminal defense experience.
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