Your license to drive will be revoked by the commissioner for a period of 90 days where a test result indicates a blood alcohol concentration of .08 or more. If your test result is more than twice the legal limit of .08, your license to drive will be revoked by the commissioner for not less than one year.

If you plead guilty to a first time DWI offense, the license revocation period will be reduced automatically down to 30 days. The law offers the incentive of a reduced license revocation period for people who chose to plead guilty to the DWI charge. If your criminal case is weak and you have no defense, it will be to your advantage to plead guilty early in the proceedings in order to reduce the license revocation period.

You may also be eligible to apply for a limited license to drive to and from work if your blood alcohol reading was nor more than twice the legal limit. There is a 15 day waiting period before you are allowed apply for a limited license.

If you have been charged with a first time DWI offense, you will need an experienced criminal defense attorney to evaluate your case for possible defenses. Contact Robert J. Shane for a free phone consultation at (612) 339-1024 or visit his website at