If you are convicted of forgery in Minnesota and have no prior record, you could serve anywhere from no jail time to a year and a day at the county workhouse. This is not a prison commit case. Forgery is on the low end of the severity scale since it is considered a property offense and is not treated as seriously as a crime against a person. My advice would be to retain an experienced forgery defense attorney to review the case for legal defenses. If there are no legal defenses to the forgery charge, your best defense would be to show good faith by paying restitution to the victim in full while the case is still pending. I would also advise you to attend and complete an 8 hour online theft offender treatment program. These efforts toward rehabilitation will go a long way in reducing jail time to no time. If the crime was committed in Hennepin County, your criminal defense attorney may be able to divert the case out of the the criminal justice system and into the Project De Novo program. If you successfully complete all the conditions of the diversion program, the charge against you will be dismissed without a criminal conviction on your record.
If you, or someone you know, has been charged with forgery in Minnesota or Wisconsin, you will need to retain an experienced forgery defense attorney. Robert J. Shane has 28 years of criminal defense experience and a successful track record. Call now for a free phone consultation at (612) 339-1024 or visit his website for more criminal defense tips at www.criminallawyerminnesota.com.
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