Just when you thought your express mail package was safe from government intrusion, think again. Police at the Minneapolis/St. Paul airport are now free to remove any package from a conveyor belt and subject it to a sniff by a narcotics detection dog. This seeming violation of the Fourth Amendment is no longer considered an unreasonable search and seizure in [...]

By | October 12th, 2016|Drugs, Search Warrants|0 Comments

Minnesota Court of Appeals Declares Test Refusal Statute Unconstitutional

The Minnesota Court of Appeals  reversed the DWI conviction of a criminal defendant for refusing to submit to a urine test where police failed to obtain a search warrant. The Court held that  Minnesota's test-refusal statute is unconstitutional when applied to suspects who are charged with refusal to submit to either a warrantless blood or urine [...]

By | December 29th, 2015|Defense, Drugs, DWI|0 Comments

Expungement of a 5th Degree Drug Posession Controlled Substance Crime in MN

So at one time in your past you  made a mistake; the police  caught you with a felony amount of marijuana,  cocaine, or methamphetamine.  You were charged  in Minnesota with the felony offense of  Controlled Substance Crime in the Fifth Degree. You may have been  convicted of the felony offense  or plea bargained the case down to a Stay [...]

By | October 29th, 2015|Defense, Drugs|0 Comments

Can the Police use My Confession Against Me?

The answer to this question depends on whether or not your confession  was voluntary.  The Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment does not allow the prosecution to use  an involuntary confession  against you  at trial. When determining voluntariness, Minnesota courts look to see if the defendant's will was overborne at the time of the confession by the  police through the use of [...]

By | October 13th, 2015|Arrests, Defense, Drugs, Entrapment, Sex Crimes|0 Comments

Marijuana Grow House Defense in MN

I recently defended a client who was charged with operating a  marijuana  grow house. Drug Task Force agents executed a narcotics search warrant at his home and discovered  marijuana plants growing on all three levels. On the upper level of the home agents found 251 suspected  marijuana starter plants in a walk-in closet. The plants ranged between 1.5 and [...]

By | October 9th, 2015|Arrests, Defense, Drugs, Uncategorized|0 Comments